Daily Mail articles are written by teenage boys
Cleavage… plunging… cleavage… curvy… dangerous decolletage (!)… cleavage… pizza.
Yup, I rest my case.
Daily Mail articles are written by teenage boys
Cleavage… plunging… cleavage… curvy… dangerous decolletage (!)… cleavage… pizza.
Yup, I rest my case.
…but it’s not a SpongeBob SquarePants soft toy, more’s the pity.
Baby On Board signs cause accidents
Well stop selling the damn things then. I loathe them; they are huge, hideous, smug, useless and create blind spots for drivers.
That woman is talking out of her bottom by the way:
‘Baby On Board’ signs are useful in alerting the emergency services that a child may be involved in the event of a crash,” said Julie Townsend, deputy chief executive of the charity, Brake.
Rubbish. Emergency services regularly deny that they even look at the things as they are trained to search for children regardless. How many parents bother to remove the carbuncle when their kid isn’t in the car anyway? None. The ones who said they did in the article are almost certainly lying. Why would they remove them? They’re still ***A PARENT*** and that’s what needs to be advertised to the world, isn’t it? As for other drivers being extra careful around their oh-so-precious offspring, honestly, who gives a shit? My life is precious too but who’s being extra careful around me?
The very fact that Loud Chav (one of our less savoury neighbours) who yells at and insults his wife in front of their little girl on a regular basis has a “Little Princess On Board” sign in his car tells me all I need to know about what kind of parent he is.
The things are novelty items, full stop. It’s rather ridiculous that a charity is peddling an urban myth, although my cynicism towards charities and their self-serving ways increases by the day.
Priest, schoolchildren and cream… yup, this should end well
WTF?? And the parents back him up too!
Reminds me of the French priest back in the Nineties who took his little ‘scout’ troop (which was not affiliated with any official movement) sailing in horrible weather with no safety measures whatsoever, causing several teenagers to drown. He of course ended up in court, with the dead kids’ parents running a campaign for the “holy man” to be released without charge!
“To be deprived of our dear Abbé in these painful hours is perhaps a loss even more painful than that of our children” said Dominique Buchet, father of one of the drowned teenagers, 13-year-old Antoine.
Sometimes you just can’t tell Catholicism from a cult. Maybe that’s the point.
Article about the new Doctor Who companion
The pic captions are often a riot in the DM but I think we have a winner…
“The old team: The Doctor, played by Matt Smith, with his former assistant Karen Gillan, played by Amy Pond”
Now that’s research.
Massively successful dead female novelist still wasn’t good enough because she wasn’t a mother
This really is pretty low. The woman’s not even cold yet! Will those patronising, smug female ‘journalists’ never shut up about their superiority complex? The picture caption in particular just about finished me off.
“No matter what your experience of adult love, there is nothing as strong as the bond between a mother and a child.”
Is anyone else as bored of this cliche as I am? Even if it’s true for her, why should this matter to the rest of the world? It’s like an American politician’s relationship with Jesus: not relevant to my life.
“I make no moral claims for motherhood — which can bring out the worst in a person, in the form of vicarious rivalry, bitchiness, envy and even mental illness — but going through the ring of fire does change you and bring about a deeper understanding of human nature.”
Yes, I’m sure Rosemary West is a right little philosopher, deep down.
“Binchy, whose first novel was about a 20-year friendship between two women, didn’t need the experience of motherhood to write about love and friendship in a way that charmed millions. But she might have dug deeper, charming less but enlightening more, had she done so.”
You know what lady? Right now, you’re doing neither. Oh noes! All that dedicated breeding was wasted after all!
Having now read some of the wonderfully scathing comments at the bottom of the page, it turns out Maeve Binchy couldn’t have children for medical reasons – which makes Ms Craig even more despicable than I previously thought. What kind of person tries to rub a dead woman’s nose in her misfortune? Certainly not someone with a deeper understanding of human nature!
Viper-tongued Jan Moir on the London Olympics
“We got our first medal, courtesy of cyclist Lizzie Armitstead. What an utter darling. According to commentators, she had ‘fresh legs in good shape’, which she used to batter heroically through a torrential rainstorm, only to come second to some bitch from Holland.”
Yes, “some bitch from Holland” is how she chooses to refer to the winner of a race where the Brit happened to come second. Isn’t sportsmanship a beautiful thing?
Eating in England is exasperating
Especially the ones who keep repeating “it’s just not true that British food is bad, these days there are wonderful British-grown ingredients and produce everywhere and there are Michelin-starred restaurants all over the UK”, etc etc.
They’re totally missing the point. Of course there’s great stuff here – like there is everywhere – and your palate will be in heaven… if you can cook it all yourself or afford the best restaurants. If, on the other hand, you rely on ordinary British people, even professional (but not Michelin-starred) chefs to feed you, well… it’s miss and miss. Sorry, I meant hit and miss.
Love the pics in the post. They totally capture the blandness, stodginess and boringness of “traditional British food”, cooked in the easiest, laziest, least imaginative way, showing no interest whatsoever in adding a bit of wow factor or even, let’s go crazy, flavour. Not even a tiny sprinkle of chopped parsley on the carrots? And check out the thickness of those slices!
Amusingly, British TV chefs are always going on about wonderful French and Italian dishes containing “only a couple of ingredients cooked very simply”. Yes, but they’re still very tasty and don’t look like a culinary punishment either. And that’s exactly what the Brits can’t do!
Maybe there’s just not enough demand for appetising food though. Only in this country have I heard so many people say almost proudly “food is only fuel to me”, as if enjoying the act of eating were a sin. It’s like living in Babette’s Feast, but with more chips.
When I was working as an au pair, my employer once cooked some mash for her daughter and me. She boiled the potatoes, mashed them up and served them. No butter, milk or anything else. It was like eating warm cement and I had stomach ache for hours afterwards. It was unpleasant to say the least. The little girl ate the lot without batting an eyelid.
People always find it weird that I love Indian food so much, but can you blame me when the alternative is so utterly sad, not to mention vastly overpriced most of the time?
Yesterday, this happy Slytherin (see previous post) read the following notification on Pottermore:
“Congratulations on winning the inaugural Pottermore House Cup. As part of your reward, you will be able to explore the first chapters of HARRY POTTER and the Chamber of Secrets before members of other houses.”
OK, cool 🙂
On the Pottermore Insider blog, they also specified that “only students who were in Slytherin when the inaugural Pottermore House Cup was awarded, will get early access.”
Sounds clear enough, yes? Obviously not for some people. I just read a reader’s comment on a fellow snake’s blog, saying (I’m paraphrasing)
“Wait, they said only Slytherin accounts that existed when the House Cup was awarded will get the reward. Does that mean ‘people who were logged in at that precise time’ or ‘people who already had an account when the ceremony occurred’?”
Well, what on earth was confusing about the original announcement? If the Pottermore people meant ‘logged in’ they would have said ‘logged in’, right? Words have meaning, especially technical words.
I come across this kind of strange attitude (“they said A so does that mean A or B”?) on a regular basis and I just can’t understand why. It seems there are people out there who absolutely insist on second-guessing everything and making life as complicated as possible. Not sure what they get out of it, apart from headaches…